Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mountain Creek Nature Trail Loop

Elizabeth and I planned a wonderful family hike down in Pine Mountain on Sunday(10/4/2009). Due to lack of family support it turned into Harley miles with my Honey.

They did call to give us support prior to the hike - or it might have been for mediation regarding who is on the computer and for how long.

The trail interwove through streams and pools of water, which were all prospering due to the abundance of rain that we've been having this Fall.

The path had some nice bridges over various stream which afforded us the opportunity of using the timer.

This seems to be a recurring picture as of late. I love a road with thick woods along the sides and a trail being engulfed by the surrounding landscape. The unencumbered narrow passage through an impassably environment and the short distance of clarity with the light indicating more beyond what we can see.

We didn't see much wildlife on the hike but the various trees, paths and streams were full of character. Next time we are going to highly encourage all the kids to come along with us.

Except for the end, the trail was well marked. We lost the trail once it exited the woods and went in a few circles trying to relocate the bike.

When we got back to the Trading Post, we took the citation off of the bike and had lunch. I didn't see a place to get a parking pass and got busted for it. It wasn't a big deal, I just paid for the parking pass and all was well.

There was a small lake/pond right next to the campground where we took the hike.

The actual ride was uneventful. It was a little cooler than I expected but not too bad. I did make a U-turn at one point and didn't think I was going to make it. The shoulder was pretty steep and it wouldn't have been pretty.

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