Monday, March 9, 2009

Bargain Barn (03-09-2009)

I got a call from my friend Derrick, who I took the Rider's Edge class with last May. He is an officer with the Southern Cruisers and invited me to join a ride they were taking to the Bargain Barn Sunday. I, in turn, invited Dylan to join the ride and we were set.

We met with the Southern Cruisers at Walmart around 12:30 and we headed toward Lineville at 1:00 with 8 bikes. We picked up two more on 109 and headed across West Point Lake into Alabama. The ride took us about an hour and was steady riding with the exception of one pit stop due to access coffee consumption on the part of one of the riders. I was second in the group and as we entered Lineville, a large turkey flew across the road in front of us. I'm not sure why I love seeing wild turkey, but there is just something about that bird that I love - and it doesn't have anything to do with Thanksgiving.

Our destination was the Bargin Bain barn and my personal quest was a half helmet, which I eventually found. I had purchased some goggles there earlier so I was set to go from full helmet to half. The half has a different feel and I'm still not completely sure about it. However, my daughters are sure about the new look and they don't like it.

We took a different route back and I left the crew at Pizza Hut in Roanoke Al so I could get home for a meeting at 6:00. The day was perfect for a ride - the sun was shining and it was about 70 out. The only down side was that it was a bit windy, but that wasn't anything to complain about.
This was my first real group ride. I went on a couple short rides with three bikes, but don't really consider those true group rides. I enjoyed it, but I do like the freedom of being solo and being able to stop and enjoy a spot at will. On the flip side, it is also nice having a group at the destination and the joy of riding with a gathering of those with a common passion. There is also something to be said for the rumble of a group of bikes pulling into a town.

I hope to have another entry next weekend, but it is calling for rain, so we'll just have to see.

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