Sunday, March 22, 2009

My First Poker Run

Friday I brought the bike up to Newnan for its 1,000 miles service and we also picked up a new helmet for Elizabeth. We went with a 3/4 helmet that wasn't so constricting. However, we did find it had it's own issues.

Saturday I spend riding with my daughter, Sarah Joy. We started out by going on a Poker run, my first, which was set up to raise money for someone dealing with breast cancer. They had about 18 bikes involved in the run and we all went off individually when ready.

It was a cold start but the sun warmed things up nicely eventually. Our first stop was in Warm Springs where we visited Xtreme Leather, walked around town and went to the museum. I had a time getting out of the parking lot because I parked in a gulley and almost dumped it while trying to get out without hitting any of the other bikes. It was both embarrassing and scary due to the potential of hitting other bikes. Lesson learned - take time and don't worry about pride. I've only been riding a little over 9 months and need to remember that it is going to take a while to be completely comfortable with moving the bike around.

Sarah Joy and I then had a really nice ride through Pine Mountain. A turkey ran out in front of us and then took to flight about half way across the road. This is the second turkey encounter and I think the hog might be calling them out of the woods. It was close enough to enjoy the sighting without being a hazard. We stopped at a gas station outside of Pine Mountain and Sarah Joy told me that her face shield had disappeared. She was looking in her lap and around her person for it and it wasn't there. I laughed later, but at the time I was concerned about her riding without face protection. I think she lifted her head up, wind got underneath it and it did in fact disappear. We back tracked and, thankfully, were able to find it.

We ended up missing a turn along the route and ended up in West Point where we took a different road to Peach State Power Sports. They had folks there giving out hot dogs and soda. The last stop was the mall where we got our final card. Our hand didn't yield anything noteworthy, but the ride and the cause were a greater reward than any prize would have been.

After the run, Sarah Joy and I went up to Newnan to pick up the Twilight movie. In the end we put on about 170 miles and got a little sun on the face.

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