Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Back to Horseshoe Bend

Saturday June 6th we got back to Horseshoe bend with the crew. Dylan and I rode the bike and the rest of the crew took the cage. Prior to starting the hike we had our snacks and we were off.

The last time Elizabeth and I didn't have time to walk the trail so got there early in order to have plenty of time. Along the way there were stops explaining the different sites.

I really need to blog these after doing them because I'm a blank. I do remember the nice bridges along the walking path - as seen below.

If you notice the two tiny white spots to the left of the sign, you will see Jessie Ann and Dylan doing a little reenactment.

After the hike we saw a movie explaining the history of the park and I unsuccessfully fought sleep. Then we went down the road a bit and ate lunch next to the river.

There was a beautiful river but the kids found a much nicer place to hang out and film cars going by.

Here is a not so good picture of me, but one of me doesn't show up often so I thought I'd throw it in. Besides, I shaved and I miss my crazy mustache.

The ladies looking at turtles in the river. One of them grabbed Dylan and they were concerned that he may not be able to make the return trip.

For the record, Dylan made it home but he was wet so he rode in the cage and Jessie Ann went with me.

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