Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ride For Literacy

On June 20th Jessie Ann and I got up before everyone else in the house and went into town for the 2nd annual Ride for Literacy. The ride took us down to Warm Springs, through Pine Mountain and back to Loyd Presbyterian for burgers.

This is Jessie Ann by the bike getting ready for the trip

We had a police escort on the journey and the lead bikes blocked traffic as we went through intersections and then jumped into the back of the line.

Abate was also hosting a ride and party in Warm Springs so bikes were everywhere when we got there. We saw some really nice older bikes, custom bikes, choppers and other such toys.

We ended back in LaGrange where we stuffed ourselves with good food and company. After lunch I made for our air conditioned house because the temperatures have been around 100F this week and the bike's air conditioning just doesn't cut it at that temperature.

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