Monday, April 13, 2009

Pine Mountain Hike - Callaway Store

April 10th the family went down to Pine Mountain for a hike. This was a big trip because Jessie Ann finally decided she wanted to try out the bike. She had ridden around the neighborhood once, but that was it.

She started the journey holding on for dear life and soon loosen up a bit and enjoyed the ride. It was a nice ride - slightly overcast but not cold. We hit some construction on the way with loose gravel on the roads, so decided to take a different route home. Loose gravel is bad - thankfully it was on a straight away and not on curves.

We were supposed to get rain later on in the day so we were racing the to get in the hike and then get home before it hit. I didn't bring my rain gear and was taking a very long ride the next day and didn't want to deal with wet leather.

We started the hike at Callaway Country store and followed the ridge along one side, crossed the road, went down for a spell and then gradually climbed the ridge on the other side. It was an easy and relaxing hike - 3.4 miles.

We saw one deer on the hike and lots of nice scenery. It did sprinkle on us a little but not enough for us to get wet.

We took the long way home which took us through West Point. Dylan rode with me most of the trip and then T hopped on for the final leg.