Friday, April 17, 2009

29 Dreams & Barber Museum

This past weekend, T and I went over toward Birmingham Al with the Newnan HOG group to stay at 29 Dreams and visit the Barber Museum.

We left our house around 6:45 with a temperature below 50F. It was a very cold ride up and we were hoping for some sunshine that wouldn't show up until the next day. Upon arriving in Newnan we met up with the HOG group, had some coffee, and were briefed on the ride. Then we hit the road with 14 Harleys (18 people).

The trip took us back through LaGrange, down to West Point and then over into Alabama. The ride would have been a lot nicer if it wasn't so cold and if I was better prepared for that fact. At one point I couldn't stop shivering. The leather jacket did not come off all day.

Just before we got to 29 Dreams an owl flew out of the woods and across the road in front of me - very nice. There must be something about birds and bikes. T and I were set up to camp in a tent, but another couple had to leave that night and gave us their cabin, which we shared with Bill.

We signed into 29 Dreams and they served us and excellent lunch (pasta, meatballs & bread).

After lunch, we took some twisties through the mountains and rode into Birmingham to visit the Barber Museum. The museum has lots and lots of bikes. I wish I knew more about motorcycles because I am sure that I could have gotten more out of it than I did. A return visit is inevitable.

Saw a very cool replica of the chopper from Easy Rider.

After more twisties through the mountains, we arrived back at 29 Dreams where we had a couple beers and sat around a fire while waiting for supper (ribs).

Once supper was finished we hung out be the fire and toasted marshmallows. We were all pretty tired and I was crawling into my sleeping bag before 9:00 Alabama time.

The sun showed up the next day and we started it with some good coffee and a full plate, or two, at the 29 Dreams breakfast buffet.

We had one more photo op before hitting the road and then we were off. The ride back was great. The sun was shining and the temperature was perfect.

We left the group in Roanoke and were home by 12:30 for our Easter celebration. The miles for the trip were about 344 and we put on a little over 60 the day before for a total of over 400 miles for the weekend - not too bad.

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