Monday, April 27, 2009

Pine Mountain - Peace & Coffee

I think "we went to Pine Mountain today" is going to be a reoccurring statement. This trip was on April 24th. When we only have a few hours, this makes for a great ride (another is over the dam and around West Point Lake). After packing our lunch we hit the road - another beautiful day.

Elizabeth in front of the Callaway Store
and the view in front of her.

We had our lunch outside of the Callaway Country store. A group of riders from the military base, I believe, arrived there right after us for lunch - as seen behind me. We saw lots of bike out this day.

This has become the standard stop. Elizabeth and I had the overlook all to our self today and we relaxed with a cup of coffee. I wish I could do justice to this time in writing, but I can't. There are those perfect moments of contentment and this was one of them. My wife, the natural beauty of the mountains, the coffee and the perfect weather. We had a wonderful ride in the morning and another to look forward to when it was time to move on.

I always liked pictures of the road and now I know why.

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