Monday, April 27, 2009

Around the Lake - always bring a camera

We went to Virginia for a wedding reception this weekend. Traveled about 1,300 miles in a cage between the two days. I took today (April 24th) off because I knew I wouldn't be ready for work - and I wasn't.

I only planned on taking a short ride with Elizabeth, which wouldn't amount to a "trip" so I didn't bring the camera. The trip consisted of moments of "I wish I brought the camera."

We started off by going to Highland Marina. The marina visit is because I have often said that Elizabeth and I are going to live in a house boat when the kids have moved on. If you say something enough, someone listens. Elizabeth recently thought about it and expressed enthusiasm over the idea. So, I've been looking more serious into the perspective plan.

After the Marina we went to the West Point dam and visited the visitor center. Behind the center are a couple benches overlooking the lake. The provided the first opportunity for me to say, "Why didn't I bring my camera?" I will bring my camera next time and you'll see what I mean.

After driving across the dam, we drove through a couple state parks. All of these were beautiful and contained more camera moments.

Then we stopped at the South Harbor Marina. We bought a few diet cokes and the lady behind the counter told us that we could go out on the docks and look at the boats, as a few were for sale. The first dock housed some beautiful boats and we left really excited about the possibilities. We started out onto the second dock and Elizabeth grabbed me and yelled, "Stop." I looked ahead and saw a cottonmouth relaxing across the dock. Elizabeth was like, "I'm done, let's go." I grabbed a stick and, after much prodding, convinced the viper to move into the water. We ended up going down the dock, but Elizabeth was far too concerned with her feet to look at any of the boats. At this point, she is trying to erase the experience from her mind. She likes the idea of a house boat and is completely freaked out by venomous snakes - a normal reaction. Oh, this was another time I said, "I wish I had my camera" - because I happen to be completely intrigued by all snakes, but especially venomous ones - not exactly a normal reaction.

We then went home and had ravioli.

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