Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dam Trip on Sunday

I have been studying for about two months for a science test and I finally took it this Saturday. I knew it would be tough and it proved me correct. I don't think I did well and won't find out the results until September 21st. However, I am very thankful that it is over. I studied and put my best foot forward and can move on. This weekend was beautiful (told you I was moving on). The temperature and humidity had dropped and left us with an incredible weekend. We didn't think we would get a ride in, but Elizabeth and I ended up running away for a couple hours Sunday night.

A favorite run of our is around the lake, over the dam and back the other side. We decided to mix it up this time around and go to the dam on the Alabama side, go over the dam, and then turn around and go back on the Albabama side again. Excitement has changed some.

We did find a part of the area that we hadn't explored yet and took a nice walk down along the river below the dam. BTW, my low fuel light had come on about 5-10 miles ago so that was running through my head though I wasn't too concerned at this point.

There were quite a few people down there having barbeque, fishing, and just enjoying the weather.

I'm not sure if you can make it out in the picture below, but I took it at the same time that a fish had jumped in the background. If you click on it, then it should get blown up and you can see the fish in the background. It is above the tallest stump branch that is pointing up.

We saw a bunch of people out in the water wading and saw these buckets on the shore. On our way out, we met one of their friends and he said that they came down from Atlanta to collect snails to eat. He thought they put them in soup or something. They ended up coming out of the river with like 8 buckets.

We went back the same way that we came (I know I already mentioned this) and my bike told me that I had about 25 miles left in the tank. I knew that it took us about 19 miles to get there so it should be fine. I was watching the 'miles left in the tank gauge' as we left and it was going down a mile every 100 feet or so. At this point there was nothing I could do about it so I turned it to read the time.

We made it to the gas station, but I would have probably enjoyed the trip more if I felt sure that we would get home without pushing. Next time I will fill the tank if it is at all sketchy.

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