Friday, August 28, 2009

Day 2 at Hog Rally in Helen

Thursday night they had the opening ceremonies which featured the band 'Ratz in the Attic.' They played lots of covers, including lots of classic hits - my favorite was the Jethro Tull. I hung out there until a little after 11:00 and then called it a night.
Notice the good bikers with their reflective gear.
Good for road - bad for pictures
This is the crew that I hung out with. They're a good bunch and we had a good time. I hope to hang with them again this weekend and in the future.

Welcome to Friday morning. I checked the weather and it was calling for rain all day. I ate breakfast and then went back to the room. I was able to meditate in the room for 20 minutes and that was nice. I was concerned about the wasted time in the hotel room, but that grounded me again and all was well. After that I watched a movie and tried to walk into town, but had to turn around when it started raining again.

This is my bike getting wet all day instead of being ridden :) - it's on the right in case you don't recognize it. Gotta get me one of those plastic cover things in the future. She looks kinda sad and pathetic out there.

At about 3:30 I went into town and walked around some. People were venturing out and things were starting to look like a rally again. When I got back to the room I checked the weather and it looked like I had 2-3 hours without rain, so I called Elizabeth to say, 'Aye,' and then suited up. I had a trip planned out, but went in the wrong direction and it turned into something else.

Right in the beginning I was riding and saw two small deer on the side of the road. I pulled over and watched them until the passing traffic scared them away. I wanted to take a picture because they were pretty close, but just enjoyed the moment instead or trying to capture it.
The roads were wet and my pant legs got damp but it wasn't raining - Yes! Things were just beautiful out there. I ended up on a road with lots & lots of twisties and switchbacks. I had opportunities to get some real deep leans in on some of the turns - lots of fun. Some parts of the road also had some heavy banking which was cool. I can't wait for Elizabeth and I to get back up here.
At this point I didn't know where I was but knew how to back track to Helen. I ended up meeting up with a guided tour and followed them until I saw a pull off with a view (above and below). The pictures don't do it justice. The greens were much more vibrant and the clouds more white and defined. It had that after rain feel and was just good. I had to hit the throttle a little heavy after the pictures in order to catch up with the group - because I still didn't know where I was. I caught up and followed them through the mountains of northern Georgia.
Tomorrow's weather looks beautiful and I can't wait to get out there. I love the mountains and these roads are awesome. I hope for some spectacular pictures tomorrow.

Tonight I am going to the festival hall with the rest of the Harley folk at 8:00 to see Rockasaurus as they are celebrating Oktoberfest in August. They are going to have to really impress me with the party real quick (lederhosen, polkas and bar maids w/liter mugs) because I plan on going back to Big Daddy's to see Chris Unck play. I hadn't heard of him before but watched a few of his videos and think it would be good.
Can't wait to ride tomorrow morning....seriously

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